How Much Do Surrogates Make in New York?

If you're considering becoming a surrogate in the vibrant state of New York, you're likely filled with questions and anticipation. After all, gestational surrogacy isn't just an incredible gift you can give to aspiring parents – it's also an opportunity for you to change your own life through New York’s surrogate compensation.

At American Surrogacy, we understand that your decision is both personal and life-changing. That's why we're here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring you receive fair compensation while helping families achieve their dreams.

To get more information about surrogate pay in New York, fill out our online form or call 1-800-875-BABY.

How Much Does Being a Surrogate Pay in New York?

Our first-time surrogates can make $50,000 to $90,000. If you’re a second-time surrogate, you can make $60,000-$110,000 for your experience. We also work with third-time surrogates whose starting surrogacy compensation can amount to even more. Ready to receive the surrogate compensation you deserve? Reach out to us today.

What Determines Your Surrogate Pay Rate in New York?

Before delving into the specifics of surrogate pay in New York, it's essential to understand the factors that influence compensation. At American Surrogacy, we believe in fair and ethical compensation that recognizes the immense dedication and sacrifices surrogates make. Several elements contribute to the total compensation a surrogate can receive including:

  • Your experience: If you’re a second-time surrogate, you’ll make more in New York surrogate pay

  • Your income: Your current income level will help determine your total surrogate compensation

  • The agency you work with: We’ll ensure you’re getting the most out of your New York surrogate pay

How Does New York Surrogate Compensation Work?

If you’re a surrogate in New York, we’ll divide your surrogate pay into the following two categories:

1. Base Pay for Surrogate Pregnancy in New York

Base compensation is the foundation of your New York surrogate pay. It's a fixed amount that reflects your commitment to carrying a child to term. In New York, surrogates typically receive competitive base compensation, making it a financially rewarding endeavor.

If you've successfully completed a surrogacy journey before, you may be eligible for an experienced surrogate bonus. This recognizes your valuable experience and dedication to the process.

2. Additional Expenses

The second half of your New York surrogate compensation acts as reimbursement for the various services and resources you’ll need for your surrogate pregnancy. Surrogacy involves various costs, such as:

  • Fertility medications

  • Embryo transfers

  • Legal fees

  • Travel and lodging

  • Counseling

  • And more.

These are covered separately from your base compensation for surrogate pregnancy to ensure that you're not financially burdened during your surrogacy journey.  

Get more information: How do surrogates get paid?

Highest-Paying Surrogacy Agencies in New York

One way to become one of the highest-paid surrogates in New York is to work with an agency whose compensation reflects your efforts and dedication. As one of the highest-paying surrogacy agencies in New York, we’ll match any higher rates offered by other professionals.

Being a surrogate means you’re bringing immense joy to intended parents through the gift of parenthood. Surrogate compensation rewards you for your time and energy, and gives you the ability to improve your and your family’s lives.

If you want to become one of the highest-paid surrogates in New York, reaching out to us is the first step. We can assist you with comparing compensation between agencies and help you determine your surrogate pay rate.

Learn more: How to be one of the highest-paid surrogates

First-Time vs. Second-Time Surrogate Compensation in New York

Your surrogate experience will play a pivotal role in determining your total surrogate compensation package in New York. If you’ve been a surrogate before, you can earn up to $10,000 more in experienced surrogate compensation. This is because your prior experience with the surrogacy process instills confidence in your agency and the intended parents who trust you with carrying their child.

How Much Do First-Time Surrogates Make in New York Compared to Experienced Surrogates?

  • First-time surrogates: $50,000-$90,000

  • Experienced surrogates: $60,000-$110,000

If you’re on your third, fourth or even fifth surrogacy journey, your surrogate pay could be even higher. If you have surrogate experience and are eligible to earn repeat surrogate compensation, we’re determined to provide the compensation you deserve. Contact us today.

Discover: Experienced surrogate compensation

What You Gain from Surrogate Mother Pay in New York

Your Safety Is Paramount

We understand that your health and safety are non-negotiable. Therefore, American Surrogacy provides comprehensive medical care throughout your surrogacy journey. You can trust us to prioritize your well-being and ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. This is all part of your comprehensive surrogate compensation package.

Fulfillment and Meaning

Beyond the financial benefits, surrogacy offers deep personal fulfillment. It's a unique opportunity to bring immeasurable joy to someone's life, and the sense of purpose it brings is unparalleled. Your decision to become a New York surrogate will be one you cherish for a lifetime.

Become a Paid Surrogate in New York

Are you ready to embark on a life-changing adventure? At American Surrogacy, we're committed to providing you with all the support, information and resources you need to become a surrogate in New York. We offer fair compensation, comprehensive medical care and unwavering support every step of the way.

Click here to learn more about how to become a surrogate for money in New York.

Empower yourself and others, and be a part of something truly extraordinary. Join us in creating families and fulfilling dreams.

Commonly Asked Questions about New York Surrogate Pay

Why do surrogates get paid in New York?

When you become a surrogate, you are offering not just your time, but your physical and emotional well-being. You deserve to be financially compensated for this amazing gift you are giving a family to ensure you are properly acknowledged and rewarded. New York surrogate pay offers you financial stability and peace of mind as you go through the surrogacy process.

Do I get maternity leave for surrogacy in New York?

Maternity leave for surrogates should be similar to that of any other person who has given birth. You should qualify for FMLA if your workplace falls under the eligible terms. You can also look into New York State’s paid family leave policies to see if you qualify for paid maternity leave. This may be up to your employer.

Do surrogates pay taxes in New York?

Yes. Because your surrogate pay is essentially your income for the duration of your surrogacy journey, you will pay New York’s income tax rate. The escrow service we partner with will send you a 1099 and any other appropriate paperwork for tax season.

Do surrogates get paid if they miscarry?

If you experience a miscarriage during surrogacy, you will be paid up until the point you miscarried. This means you will be paid for the time you were pregnant, along with any of the medical procedures. You and the parents will then need to decide if you want to continue to pursue surrogacy together.

How do I compare surrogate compensation between agencies?

Looking into surrogate compensation in New York should be a priority when choosing an agency. When an agency quotes you a compensation package, you should be sure to know what is included from base pay to additional expenses. If you want to work with the highest-paying surrogate agency, look no further than American Surrogacy. We offer a competitive compensation package and will match other offers.

How do I become a surrogate and get paid in New York?

The first step to becoming a surrogate is to submit an interest form to American Surrogacy! Our surrogacy specialists will reach out to make sure you meet the requirements, listen to your wants and needs and help you take the appropriate steps forward. They will be with you every step of the way as you embark on this amazing journey.

Ready to Speak with a Specialist?